野人流忍術「野忍」ついて  About Yajin-ninja




Yajin-ryu NinjutsuYANIN” is focused on a Shinobi ninja training program done outdoors in the nature. Useful techniques of Shinobi for the contemporary society are pursued regardless of schoolsRyuha. You can experience basic techniques of shinobi ninja in this program. Additionally, you may feel “Mind of 和(harmony)“,that flows at the basis of japanese way of thinking.





The chinese Character ”忍“is written with two characters “blade and mind” .That means two things. Blade control mind as well as mind control blade. Ninjutsu ”the ninja skill” mean for fighting ,but at the same time, for stopping fruitless fights to live better.

By going back to the nature, to awaken the essential sensibilities, This program aims so that you can feel free without having the influence of conventional ideas.




It is said that many of ninja villages developed in the mountain areas out of the reach of (powerful warlords) big government. For small villages, to meintainautomomy it was necessary to get information from the surroundings, to understand others .By doing so, They try to negotiate to gain advantages in additional avoiding useless conflicts. We believe this typed attitude and skills required in information and psychological warfare is an important factor.





When it comes to ninjutsu, just fighting techniques are often noted, but there are many techniques as well for people to live better. person or organization to be independent, it is important to be well-balanced and to be come disciplined in both techniques.

Often, an old Japanese saying, "God dwells in all things“ So we are based on the japanese idea of traditional . honor the nature,andtrying to co-exist.

Concept of “” is, accept a new culture and thought. And to fuse them. We living in the modern as well, reconsider our sense of values. The idea that values harmony , seems to be the root of the Japanese Organization were regarded important than individuals.

To understand this way of thinking, It is important to acquire the sense of balance. We offer programs with an emphasis the sharpening the physical and mental balances.


忍びが体験活躍した戦国の世では、野忍の活動する関東一円は、戦国武将北条氏が治めていました。北条氏に仕えていた忍びが「風魔一党」です。主宰の甚川は、本城のある小田原で、「風魔一党指南役」として、現代における風魔の活動に尽力しています。風魔の活動については、Facebookページ「北条之忍 風魔参上」などで、お知らせしています。


 北条之忍び 風魔参上 



During the Warring States period400-500years ago, Kanto region was ruled by the Warring States warlord Hojo. The ninja who served Hojo is "Fuma". The presiding Jinkawa is the current head of Fuma. We will inform you about Fuma's activities on our Facebook page "Hojo Fuma ninja"



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